Don't Starve Together Beastiary
[[dst-forever-world]] this is a bird ![this is a bird](/bird-dst.png) this is a bunny like thing ![this is a bunny like thing](/bunny-thing-dst.png) this is a b
Don't Starve Together Forever world
[[ dst-beastiary ]] Starting the world Here is a video of my first step's in the world <video controls src="/dst-1-1.mp4" title="Title&qu
Server Documentary
Sub to my Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDfvGYuVp457EuqqPdxNzbQ To get Minecraft:https://www.minecraft.net/en-us Day 1 I first started a Minecraft s
Wyatt's Modded Minecraft Documentary
modpack link https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyfactory-4 day 1 i chopped a tree in the world pre-set lost city then i found a ciy i am makeing my
Wyatt's Minecraft Documentary 2
Day 0 on day 0 i qickly setup a base then i went to sleep achivevments bed diamonds
Pygame with chatgpt
make a projectile when i press space and make it move To create a projectile that moves when the space bar is pressed, you can use a programming language such a
wyatt's code adventure
Hi I'm Wyatt i am a gamer/youtuber/good boi/>:) _..uh_ import pygame my 1st program looked like this import pyga
Wyatt's Minecraft Documentary 1
wyatt day.0 i spawned in my new minecraft world day.1 its night im in my house wich is underground and im doing great day.2 im expanding my base sooooo ya and s